
Summary Writing
4 types of writing a summary;
1.       Lifting
2.      Single word substitution
3.      Reorganizing
4.     Rephrasing

What are the differences?
from the text
We were enjoying a fine barbecue by the seaside with fish that we had caught from the sea. [18 words]
1.       Lifting;
·         We were enjoying a fine barbecue by the seaside with fish that we had caught from the sea.
[18 words. No change. Taken from the text]
2.      Single word substitution;
·         We had a barbecue by the shore with the fish we caught at sea.
[14 words. Change one word only. Shortened the sentence but not much difference]
3.      Reorganizing;
·         With the fish we caught at sea, we had a barbecue by the seaside.
[14 words. Change the order of the sentence but still not short]
4.     Rephrasing;
·         By the shore, we barbecued the fish we caught at sea.
[11 words. Complex sentence.]
However, if you can only do SW or RO, use logical connectors like besides, moreover, however, in addition.